Basics on Automatic Pool Chlorinator Equipment, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on automatic pool chlorinators. This equipment, which automatically dispenses chlorine in appropriate amounts to the pool and saves many pool owners time, comes in several different formats and styles depending in your pool and its sanitation needs.

At Packman’s Pools, our custom swimming pool builders are happy to discuss automatic pool chlorinators and your various options here during our swimming pool design and construction consultations. In today’s part two of our series, we’ll go over some different types of automatic chlorinators you’ll be able to choose from, plus a few other basic designations and considerations for whether or not you want to install this device in your new pool.

basics automatic pool chlorinator

Inline Vs. Offline Chlorinator

When shopping for an automatic pool chlorinator, you will generally find two options: Inline and offline. These two items function in similar ways and also have similar price ranges, but they are also different in a few minor ways, mainly the way they are installed. Here are basics on each format and installation:

  • Inline: Inline chlorinators, as the name suggests, are installed directly into the piping that connects to the pump and filter system in you pool. Water moves directly from the pool filter into the chlorinator, then returns to the pool.
  • Offline: Offline chlorinators, on the other hand, are installed on the side of the system and connected to the pool using a tube.

There are also certain modern pool chlorinators designed to adapt to either installation format.

Chlorinator Vs. Feeder

We know that terms can get a bit confusing within the pool world if you aren’t an expert, so here’s a quick clarification on two that are often mixed up:

  • Pool chlorinator: Item specifically made for chlorine
  • Pool chemical feeder: A feeder type that works with either chlorine or bromine, and often with differently-sized tablets or sticks

Pros and Cons of Automatic Chlorinators

After all the information we’ve gone over here, you might be wondering whether you should or shouldn’t install an automatic pool chlorinator. These are automatic items that work even when you aren’t home, with convenience serving as one of their top benefits – they also come with varying settings that allow you high levels of control, and they work in every pool type you might be considering.

On the flip side, some do find that the added convenience here is not worth the additional cost. Automatic pool chlorinators are definitely more expensive than simply adding your own chlorine manually, and they also require some basic maintenance and upkeep over the years. If you’ve never had a problem pouring your own chlorine in the past and you’re tight up against a pool budget already, you might skip the automatic chlorinator.

For more on automatic pool chlorinators, or to learn about any of our new swimming pool construction services, speak to the staff at Packman’s Pools today.