SLC Pool Frog Prevention: Fencing, Covering, Pool Floats

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on how to keep frogs and other small animals away from your swimming pool. While these creatures aren’t directly harmful to humans, they can carry diseases around and are also commonly an annoyance for those who spend lots of time in the pool area.

At Packman’s Pools, we’re happy to offer a wide range of expertise and assistance themes for any of our swimming pools or custom spas in Salt Lake City. Have you noticed a greater presence of frogs or any other smaller water-adjacent creatures in or around your pool area? Here are some general tips on helping minimize their presence without hurting them or inconveniencing yourself.

pool frog prevention fencing

Barrier Fencing

Fencing is another good option when it comes to keeping animals away from your pool, but you want to ensure you go with the right fencing type here. Standard slat wooden fences, for instance, won’t do much to keep frogs or other small animals out of your pool. Most likely, they’ll be able to scurry right through the slats before you know it.

High-density polyethylene pipes are a much better choice for fencing, since they’re more solid and ensure that little creatures won’t be able to squeeze their way through.

Pool Covering

Covering the pool when it’s not in use is valuable for several reasons, and prevention of animal incursion is one of them. Covering the pool keeps it clean and ensures that there are no stray leaves or other debris potentially falling into your water. It also helps keep out any frogs, snakes, birds, mice, wasps, mosquitos, bees, toads and other small creatures whose presence could pose a problem for you or your loved ones.

When purchasing a pool cover, look for those made of strong material like PVC. They also act as insulation when the weather is cooler, helping reduce how often you’ll want to heat or otherwise use your pool.

Pool Floats

Frogs are considered prey animals, meaning they have protective instincts that will tell them to stay far away from anything they perceive as a predator. For this reason, you may consider placing scary-looking pool floats around the perimeter of your pool. For instance, prop one or two inflatable alligators around to deter any frogs from getting too close to the water.

You might also consider placing a scary-looking toy shark in the pool. In reality, small amphibious creatures have no reason to fear them – but they’ll still give off an air of danger to any frog or other small animal, and they won’t want to come near them.

For more on how to keep frogs and other small animals away from your pool, or to learn about any of our swimming pool design or construction services in Salt Lake City or any other part of Utah, speak to the team at Packman’s Pools today.