Fall Utah Pool Builds: No Lawn or Landscape Issues

Swimming pools are often used seasonally by those who have them on their properties, but the same doesn’t necessarily have to be true for the design, building and installation of a given pool. In fact, depending on your needs, there might be several reasons why atypical seasons like fall or even winter are ideal for designing and building the pool you’re interested in. 

At Packman’s Pools, we’re happy to assist clients around Utah with all their swimming pool design and swimming pool construction needs. What are some of the reasons why plenty of swimming pool clients actually opt for the “off-season” when it comes to designing and building a new pool? This two-part blog series will go over several that you might consider during the colder parts of this year.

fall pool builds lawn

No Lawn Concerns

By the late fall or early winter period, if not earlier in most cases, lawns have already gone dormant for the season. This means that any work on excavating or other earth-moving activities related to building a new pool can be done without fear of damaging your lawn too much.

Of course, it’s still important to take care that any heavy machinery is used with caution on your property so as not to cause any long-term damage, but in general, this is much less of a concern than it would be during the growing season. For instance, during the middle of summer while your grass is actively growing, any ruts or divots caused by excavating equipment could spell disaster for that part of your lawn. In contrast, during the winter when your lawn is already dormant, there’s a much lower chance of doing any real damage that couldn’t simply be remedied come spring. This makes it an ideal time to do any work that might potentially damage your lawn in some capacity.

Landscaping Isn’t in the Way

Down similar lines, any landscaping features you might have on your property are also much less likely to get in the way or be damaged during the installation process if the installation comes during the fall or winter. This is again due to the fact that many plants and trees go dormant during these times, so they’re not actively growing and are thus much less vulnerable to damage.

Furthermore, any leaves that might have fallen during the autumn months can actually be used as part of the excavation process to help fill in any low-lying areas on your property. This means that you won’t have to worry about disposing of them separately, and they can actually serve a purpose in helping to level out your land for pool installation.

In part two of our series, we’ll go over a few more reasons why you might want to consider designing and building your pool during the fall or winter months. For more on this, or to learn about any of our swimming pool design or construction services in Utah, speak to our experts at Packman’s Pools today.