Dark Bottom Swimming Pool Themes and Options, Part 1

There are several swimming pool color design themes that have been around for years but are only growing in popularity recently, and a great example here is the dark bottom pool. Usually some shade of deep blue, black or gray, such pool designs aren’t exactly new, but their popularity is definitely a more recent development on the pool market.

At Packman’s Pools, we’re proud to offer a wide variety of services when it comes to new swimming pool planning, design and construction, including assisting those who are looking for a dark bottom pool design. In this two-part blog series, we’ll go over everything you need to know about these pool types, from the common colors available to general cost and safety themes, plus some of the common materials that are best for your color choice.

dark bottom swimming pool options

Common Color Options

Some of the colors commonly chosen by homeowners installing a dark bottom pool include:

  • Black: The black bottom pool is s dark as you’ll get, available in several varieties. Such pools aren’t usually advisable for pools where small children or pets swim regularly, as the black color may make seeing the bottom impossible and could present safety risks. However, there are also angling or forms of light you can use to combat this, especially for outdoor pools.
  • Gray: Gray is another color option here, one that comes in a wide range of hues. They help bring the water a beautiful deep blue shade.
  • Dark blue: Maybe the most popular surface color for all pools today, not just dark bottom pools, dark blue bottoms hold several major benefits. They come with a huge variety of precise shades, for one, plus help bring an oceanic feel to the area. There are several materials where dark blue works extremely well.

Price Considerations

For most pool manufacturers, pool cost is based on a standard surface color like white or blue. Some additional colors will be an upgrade in terms of cost, but this will depend on the material and the precise color chosen. Contact our team to learn more here.


We noted possible safety concerns briefly above, and they’re worth considering. Darker pool bottoms don’t make the pool tougher to monitor from above, necessarily, but they do limit depth perception, especially black or dark gray colors. This can pose a jumping or diving hazard if the pool is not deep enough – in such cases, you should both verbally and visually make it clear to any pool users that jumping and diving are not allowed.

Color and Temperature

Pool material can also impact temperature. Dark pool bottoms usually tend to warm up a bit faster than others, depending on their precise pigment, so you can expect better heat retention from these shades.

For more on choosing a dark pool bottom, or to learn about any of our swimming pool or spa services, speak to the staff at Packman’s Pools today.