Avoiding Winter Pool Issues: Leaks, Algae, Ice

In part one of this two-part series, we discussed some basic tips on how to avoid certain common issues that may arise with or surrounding your outdoor pool. From common freezing water concerns to things like cover issues and more, there are a few different potential problems that your pool can encounter during the cold Utah winter – but also some easy ways to avoid them.

At Packman’s Pools, we’re happy to not only offer the very best swimming pool construction services around Salt Lake City and other parts of Utah, but also to provide basic expertise on all pool operations from our swimming pool contractors. Today’s part two will look at a few other common winter issues that pools experience, plus how to steer clear of them.

Avoiding Winter Pool Issues

Unexpected Leaks

While we covered freezing issues and some common problems with pool covers during the winter in part one of our series, another potential issue that may arise during this time is an unexpected leak. While you’re unlikely to notice any water leaks when the pool is closed and not in use, even small ones can be a major concern during the winter period – they can both damage your pool and lead to significant water loss.

One of the common reasons for such leaks? A frozen skimmer – these are often the first areas to freeze when temperatures drop, and if you don’t properly winterize them and leave a bit of room for expansion, there’s a chance they can crack and cause leaks. This points to the vital importance of proper pool winterization during the late fall or early winter season.

Growth of Algae

Some may assume that any algae growth concerns with a pool are exclusive to the summertime, but this isn’t actually the case. In fact, algae can grow at any time of year if conditions are right – and one such condition is having a large amount of organic material or debris in your pool water.

For this reason, it’s important to regularly clean and maintain your pool even during the winter months. If you’re not using a pool cover, be sure to skim and vacuum the pool regularly. If you are using a cover, make sure to remove any debris that may have accumulated on it before removing it from the pool in the spring. Additionally, consider using algaecides or other preventative measures during the winter to keep algae growth at bay.

Damage from Ice

Another potential problem with freezing water is damage to the pool structure itself. When water freezes, it expands – and there’s a chance that this expansion could damage your pool’s pipes or other equipment if precautions aren’t taken.

To avoid this issue, be sure to properly winterize your pool by blowing out any excess water from pipes and adding antifreeze. You may also want to consider using a pool cover specifically designed to withstand the weight of ice and snow. And as always, consult with your swimming pool contractor for their recommended winterization process.

While winter can bring about some challenges for outdoor pools, proper maintenance and precautions can help you avoid most common issues. By following these tips and regularly checking on your pool during the colder months, you’ll be able to enjoy a pristine and problem-free swimming pool all year round. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks from Packman’s Pools, your go-to source for all things pools in Utah!